(by Mike Mechley, Executive VP of Strategic Procurement, www.ZekelmanIndustries.com) SMU November HR Coil $690 down $5 from Oct. Cleveland Cliffs completes purchase of Stelco. Auto inventory increases again now at 60 days. USS continues to say that the purchase by Nippon will be completed by year end. Trump administration expected to quickly enforce the USMCA agreement with Mexico after they have repeatedly ignored quota volumes. HR lead time 4-7 weeks, CR lead time 5-9 weeks. The US Mills Nov capacity utilization is 74.2%. SMU Nov CR Coil $895 down $45 from Oct. November Chicago #1 Bush $380 flat from Oct. Zinc is $1.37LB . $1 U.S. Dollar = $1.37 Canadian Dolla.
Zekelman Industries Steel Snapshot for November 2024
Pipe Exchange
16060 Dillard Drive, Suite 150, Jersey Village, TX 77040
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- Email: sales@pipexch.com