(by Mike Mechley, Executive VP of Strategic Procurement, www.ZekelmanIndustries.com) Platts June HR Coil is $509, up $12 from May. USS Mon Valley is restarting a furnace that was on hot idle due to increased demand. Other integrated mills are considering bringing more capacity on line as they evaluate automotive production schedules. Imports of steel products remain low as there is no price advantage to domestic prices. HR lead time 3-7 weeks, CR lead time 4-8 weeks. US Mills capacity utilization rate is 53.3%. Platts June CR Coil is $667, up $35 from May. Zinc is $.91lb. June Chicago #1 Bush $320, up $10 from May. $1 U.S. Dollar = $1.34 Canadian Dollar.
Zekelman Industries Steel Snapshot For Jun 2020
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