(by Mike Mechley, Executive VP of Strategic Procurement, www.ZekelmanIndustries.com) SMU February HR Coil $760 up $70 from Jan. Negotiations are under way for Nippon to make an investment in USS and not buy the company President. Trump is involved in the negotiations. Tariff uncertainty creating market chatter. Feb scrap grades up $30 to $50 due to weather, increased demand and Illinois river lock closure, scrap forecasted to be tight in March also. HR lead time 5-7 weeks, CR lead time 5-8 weeks. US Mills February capacity utilization is 75.2%. SMU February CR Coil $950 up $40 from Jan. Feb Chicago #1 Bush $450 up $50 from Jan. Zinc is $1.27LB. $1 U.S. Dollar = $1.43 Canadian Dollar.
Zekelman Industries Steel Snapshot for February 2025
Pipe Exchange
16060 Dillard Drive, Suite 150, Jersey Village, TX 77040
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- Email: sales@pipexch.com