(by Mike Mechley, Executive VP of Strategic Procurement, www.ZekelmanIndustries.com) SMU Dec HR Coil $675 down $15 from Nov. Nippon launches marketing effort to convince the USW and politicians to approve the purchase of USS, currently it doesn’t appear to be working. BRS2 is producing HRC for customers. China attempts to export its excess production, but other countries are increasing restrictions. Steel imports to US up, trying to beat new tariffs. HR lead time 4-7 weeks, CR lead time 5-9 weeks. The US Mills Dec capacity utilization is 75.1%. SMU Dec CR Coil $890 down $5 from Nov. December Chicago #1 Bush $380 flat from Nov. Zinc is $1.41LB $1 U.S. Dollar = $1.42 Canadian Dollar.
Zekelman Industries Steel Snapshot for December 2024
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