(by Mike Mechley, Executive VP of Strategic Procurement, www.ZekelmanIndustries.com) Platts Dec HR Coil is $640, up $25 from Nov. Nucor raised prices an additional $30 last week all mills have followed this increase. HR and CR announced increases in the last two months are up a minimum of $100 a ton. Imports shipments continue to be weak. World prices remain very strong. Scrap forecasted to be up $20 in January. HR lead time 4-7 weeks, CR lead time 5-8 weeks. US Mills capacity utilization rate is 71%. Platts Dec CR Coil is $824, up $20 from Nov. Zinc is currently $1.43lb. Inventories remain low. Dec Chicago #1 Bush $345 up $20 from Nov. $1 U.S. Dollar = $1.29 Canadian Dollar.
Zekelman Industries Steel Snapshot – December 2017
Pipe Exchange
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