The great Texas oil shutdown has begun

The great Texas oil shutdown has begun

A couple hours after sunup Wednesday, Kyle McGraw climbed into his hail-beaten Chevy Suburban to make the two-hour drive from Midland to a small oil field he and his sons bought just seven weeks ago.

As he drove across the broad expanse of West Texas with his two sons, McGraw, 60, said he couldn’t help but feel nostalgic, recalling how his own father had drilled his first well not far from where they were headed. But this trip was not meant for drilling wells; McGraw would begin shutting them down….

Continue reading at Houston Chronicle – Photo as posted on Houston Chronicle: A roustabout crew works on a setting up oil containers at a drilling site by Millennium Exploration south of Gonzales, Texas, Friday, April 24, 2020. They installed three tanks that hold 400 barrels of oil each and also a fiberglass tank for saltwater. The company drilled Chalk Talk #2 to a depth of 8,600 feet and went 4,000 feet horizontally Photo: Jerry Lara, Staff / San Antonio Express-News

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