(by Kurt Minnich, www.pipe-logix.com Line pipe prices increased $25/ton or 1.3% in April with domestic prices up 0.9% and import prices up 1.9%. The Pipe Logix Index has increased for 6 consecutive months providing a cumulative gain of 24% since October 2017. Overall distributor’s sentiment was unchanged in April with improvements in the price outlook and order fulfillment offset by declines in some inventory indicators. The NASPD Index remains at 74, which continues to indicate an expanding domestic market. Reported import volumes averaged 2.3 million tons over the past 12 months, a 68% increase compared to the previous 12 months, however, monthly import volumes have declined since October 2017. Drilling surpassed 1,000 active rigs in April and the ratio of shipments per rig decreased below 200 tons/rig in March, a level witnessed only a few times since 2014. The details are attached.
Pipe Logix Line Pipe Report – APRIL 2018
Pipe Exchange
16060 Dillard Drive, Suite 150, Jersey Village, TX 77040
- Phone: 713.934.9480
- Fax: 713.934.9490
- Email: sales@pipexch.com